锈湖站 Rusty Lake Station

“裂车马上就要进站了 本次裂车终点站 菇岛 请乘客们在屏蔽门完全打开后 先下后上 依次登车 带小孩的乘客 请照看好您的小孩 以免发生危险”

上海 Minecraft 地铁
大图 16MB
大图(无屏蔽门) 16MB

站台标识参考(没有狗皮膏药的)上海地铁 1 号线,列车本体涂装基本参考五号线的旧车 05C01,加上了真车上没有的车厢连接通道。本图和我服务器的锈湖站并不相同。哪天心情好了就把以前的旧坑地铁 mod 拿出来重新做成这个样子好了(笑)

本篇出图其实一开始是放在 Pixiv 的,但是经 Homan 提醒,现在的 Pixiv 以不允许游客查看作品的方式逼迫用户注册或者登陆。今后的作品将不会再投稿到 Pixiv,我会在本站提供(足够)高清的出图。

Station signages and other visual elements are heavily based on the current design in Shanghai Metro system. The trains themselves are a reference to the 05C01 trains (now demoted to servicing the branch line only). Note that the Rusty Lake in this station is entirely different from the one currently in my Minecraft server (by Homan).

This work was originally published on Pixiv a while earlier. However, Pixiv is marking my work as “sensitive” out of no particular reason. According to yahoo chiebukuro, Pixiv is forcing users to sign in before they can view the work in the name of “sensitive content”. As a result, my future works will be posted on this personal website instead of Pixiv.

Sakura island blender render

Sakura Island is the spawn point in my minecraft server. Of course it would not be possible to place sakura trees in game, so what’s actually in Minecraft is pink wool. Nevertheless they still look nice from far away.

I tried water caustics with refraction and fresnel effects, which make water more realistic at the cost of increased samples and render time. Also I attempted a manual material override on tree leaves, However that seems worth it.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. Minecraft creation by me, exported with mineways on wine, rendered on blender with cuda. As usual, full resolution of 4096×4096 is available on pixiv.

Sakura Island At Night
Rendered in Blender

Triangle Garden (Blender Rendering Teaser)

New features I discovered in blender: manual (and sophiscated) water surface reflection controls! I tried some techiques from the computer graphics class I’m taking this semester, and the result is over fancy. I forgot to ask blender to keep rendering specs. The only specs I remembered are 4096 samples per pixels and that I started blender before I went to sleep, and the process actually had finished before I woke up the next day for classes.

Anyways, here’s the pic. As usual, the image here is downscaled so that the page loads in acceptable time. Shoot me an email for the full image at 4320×2160 if you have 4K (?) displays. See Minecraft Server Page to join the server where I built this thing.

Triangle Garden Rev2 2:1 2160x1080
Triangle Garden Rev2 2:1 2160×1080

Goodbye, chunky. Hi, Blender! (with the Interior Of Dat Triangle)

This would be one of my last frames of Minecraft renderworks with chunky. I will be switching to blender, an open source modeling software that supports GPU ray tracing with CUDA and allows tweaks to model before performing actual (now night-long) rendering.

Chunky is still pretty straightforward to newbie CG makers, written in java that virtually runs everywhere, but it does not support GPU rendering, and java multi-threading overhead made it even worse.

Blender, on the other hand, needs a few hours to setup but provides far more precise control over elements, vertices, edges and fancy stuff. Cropping down map portions out of the camera view, customize torch light color, removing specific blocks, render entities with actual motion…

So… Goodbyeさようなら, chunky. Hi, Blender!

I might still recommend chunky for those who want to have a sip of minecraft rendering, but for more complex terrain and huge creations, use blender.

Here’s the downscaled rendered frame, but you can still find full resolution on deviant art.

Rendering Specs:

Rendering time: 1.57 days
Threads: 3
Original dimensions: 4000x4000
Downscaled dimensions for uploading: 2000x2000